Click/touch on a sermon to listen
Name | Date | Title | Speaker | Album | Length (min) |
20080323a192k.mp3 | 03/23/2008 | The Lovely, Wonderful Name of Jesus | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 52 |
20080321p192k.mp3 | 03/21/2008 | The Lord, Plenteous in Mercy | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 23 |
20080319p192k.mp3 | 03/19/2008 | Cosmetics and Jewelry II | Joel Pace | Cosmetics and Jewelry | 49 |
20080316p192k.mp3 | 03/16/2008 | Being Filled With the Spirit | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 38 |
20080316a192k.mp3 | 03/16/2008 | The Brokenness That Brings Revival | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 53 |
20080314p192k.mp3 | 03/14/2008 | The Lure of the Devil | Ralph Kirkhart | 2008 Series | 62 |
20080311p192k.mp3 | 03/11/2008 | Cosmetics and Jewelry | Joel Pace | Cosmetics and Jewelry | 55 |
20080309p192k.mp3 | 03/09/2008 | Where Is the Joy of the Holy Ghost? | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 59 |
20080309a192k.mp3 | 03/09/2008 | Pressing Into the Kingdom | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 46 |
20080307p192k.mp3 | 03/07/2008 | Romans 12 | Joseph Conroy | 2008 Series | 57 |
20080304p192k.mp3 | 03/04/2008 | Adornment in the Church | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 53 |
20080302p192k.mp3 | 03/02/2008 | The Difference Between Inspiration and Anointing | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 31 |
20080302a192k.mp3 | 03/02/2008 | When Men Have Their Say | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 53 |
20080229p192k.mp3 | 02/29/2008 | Which Direction Are You Looking? | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 42 |
20080226p192k.mp3 | 02/26/2008 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XVI | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 63 |
20080224p192k.mp3 | 02/24/2008 | Temperate in All Things | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 53 |
20080224a192k.mp3 | 02/24/2008 | The Accepted Day and Time of Salvation | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 46 |
20080217p192k.mp3 | 02/17/2008 | Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 64 |
20080217a192k.mp3 | 02/17/2008 | The Apostle's Doctrine | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 57 |
20080215p192k.mp3 | 02/15/2008 | The Egoism of These Last Days | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 73 |
20080212p192k.mp3 | 02/12/2008 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XV | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 44 |
20080210p192k.mp3 | 02/10/2008 | The Human Factor | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 73 |
20080210a192k.mp3 | 02/10/2008 | The Grace Factor | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 58 |
20080208p192k.mp3 | 02/08/2008 | I've Got a Wonderful Future | Tim Joiner | 2008 Series | 35 |
20080205p192k.mp3 | 02/05/2008 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XIV | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 32 |
20080203p192k.mp3 | 02/03/2008 | Why You Need to Testify | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 54 |
20080203a192k.mp3 | 02/03/2008 | The Healing of the Broken Hearted | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 23 |
20080129p192k.mp3 | 01/29/2008 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XIII | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 55 |
20080127p192k.mp3 | 01/27/2008 | The Apostolic Pattern for Evangelism | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 43 |
20080127a192k.mp3 | 01/27/2008 | The New Creature | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 54 |
20080122p192k.mp3 | 01/22/2008 | This Is Your Bean Field | Bro. Wakefield | 2008 Series | 64 |
20080120p192k.mp3 | 01/20/2008 | Drawing Virtue | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 26 |
20080120a192k.mp3 | 01/20/2008 | Understanding the Mysteries of the Kingdom | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 61 |
20080118p192k.mp3 | 01/18/2008 | Delivering the Word | Bryant Menzies | 2008 Series | 65 |
20080115p192k.mp3 | 01/15/2008 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XII | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 45 |
20080113p192k.mp3 | 01/13/2008 | Behaving Yourself in the House of God | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 48 |
20080113a192k.mp3 | 01/13/2008 | To Inherit Eternal Life | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 54 |
20080111p192k.mp3 | 01/11/2008 | Mental Perceptions Battlefield | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 65 |
20080108p192k.mp3 | 01/08/2008 | Go and Bring Them In | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 84 |
20080106a192k.mp3 | 01/06/2008 | He Shall Be Called a Nazarene | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 57 |
20080104p192k.mp3 | 01/04/2008 | The Intensity Needed for the Times | Joel Pace | 2008 Series | 79 |
20071230p192k.mp3 | 12/30/2007 | The Lord's Supper | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 59 |
20071225p192k.mp3 | 12/25/2007 | Church Prayer | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 48 |
20071223p192k.mp3 | 12/23/2007 | Remember When | Kenneth Feeman | 2007 Series | 63 |
20071223a192k.mp3 | 12/23/2007 | The Sharpness of the Word | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 59 |
20071221p192k.mp3 | 12/21/2007 | Because the Lord Is on Our Side | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 25 |
20071216p192k.mp3 | 12/16/2007 | Mixing Faith With the Preaching | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 51 |
20071216a192k.mp3 | 12/16/2007 | The Son of Man Being Glorified | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 63 |
20071214p192k.mp3 | 12/14/2007 | In the Name of Jesus the Righteous Are Safe | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 60 |
20071209p192k.mp3 | 12/09/2007 | God and His Word | James Pixler | 2007 Series | 32 |
20071209a192k.mp3 | 12/09/2007 | It's Not Time to Hang up Your Nets | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 43 |
20071207p192k.mp3 | 12/07/2007 | The Avenues of Change | John Bullock | 2007 Series | 41 |
20071204p192k.mp3 | 12/04/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man XI | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 63 |
20071202p192k.mp3 | 12/02/2007 | An Eagle's Eye | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 43 |
20071202a192k.mp3 | 12/02/2007 | The Process of Transformation | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 51 |
20071130p192k.mp3 | 11/30/2007 | Anointing | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 63 |
20071127p192k.mp3 | 11/27/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man X | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 59 |
20071125p192k.mp3 | 11/25/2007 | It’s the Little Things That Matter | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 54 |
20071125a192k.mp3 | 11/25/2007 | The Battle You Must Win | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 56 |
20071123p192k.mp3 | 11/23/2007 | Falling in Love With the Doctrine | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 71 |
20071120p192k.mp3 | 11/20/2007 | Humble Beginnings | Bro. Shelton | 2007 Series | 60 |
20071118a192k.mp3 | 11/18/2007 | Wait on God | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 50 |
20071117p192k.mp3 | 11/17/2007 | Died Like a Fool | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 59 |
20071116p192k.mp3 | 11/16/2007 | Approved of God | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 76 |
20071115p192k.mp3 | 11/15/2007 | No Response | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 58 |
20071113p192k.mp3 | 11/13/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man IX | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 76 |
20071111p192k.mp3 | 11/11/2007 | Equally Yoked Together | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 51 |
20071111a192k.mp3 | 11/11/2007 | Wherewithal Shall a Young Man Cleanse His Way? | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 65 |
20071109p192k.mp3 | 11/09/2007 | The Lord Is My Shepherd | David Carlson | 2007 Series | 62 |
20071106p192k.mp3 | 11/06/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man VIII | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 71 |
20071104p192k.mp3 | 11/04/2007 | How Are You Serving God: With Gratitude or With an Attitude? | Ken Norris | 2007 Series | 36 |
20071104a192k.mp3 | 11/04/2007 | Struggling to Make It | James Pixler | 2007 Series | 44 |
20071102p192k.mp3 | 11/02/2007 | The Power of Unity Versus Confusion | John Welsh | 2007 Series | 58 |
20071030p192k.mp3 | 10/30/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man VII | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 74 |
20071028p192k.mp3 | 10/28/2007 | We Are Under Construction | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 21 |
20071028a192k.mp3 | 10/28/2007 | Deliverance From the Spirit That Overrides Conviction | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 63 |
20071026p192k.mp3 | 10/26/2007 | A Point of Reference | Don Meade | 2007 Series | 80 |
20071021p192k.mp3 | 10/21/2007 | Rejecting the Counsel of the Elders | John Welsh | 2007 Series | 56 |
20071021a192k.mp3 | 10/21/2007 | One Mind | Bryant Menzies | 2007 Series | 55 |
20071016p192k.mp3 | 10/16/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man V | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 69 |
20071014p192k.mp3 | 10/14/2007 | Purge Out the Leaven | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 45 |
20071014a192k.mp3 | 10/14/2007 | The True Grace of God | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 45 |
20071012p192k.mp3 | 10/12/2007 | The Secret Path to Truth | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 44 |
20071009p192k.mp3 | 10/09/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man IV | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 73 |
20071007p192k.mp3 | 10/07/2007 | A Revelation of Authority | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 75 |
20071007a192k.mp3 | 10/07/2007 | The Death of Unbelief | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 34 |
20071005p192k.mp3 | 10/05/2007 | The Power of the Oneness of God | Jared Pace | 2007 Series | 64 |
20071002p192k.mp3 | 10/02/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man III | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 83 |
20070928p192k.mp3 | 09/28/2007 | Who Are You? | R. T. McDonald | 2007 Series | 56 |
20070925p192k.mp3 | 09/25/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man II | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 65 |
20070923a192k.mp3 | 09/23/2007 | Sticking With the Plan | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 47 |
20070921p192k.mp3 | 09/21/2007 | Marks That Mar a Nation | Jack Warren | 2007 Series | 52 |
20070916a192k.mp3 | 09/16/2007 | The Healing of the Soul | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 60 |
20070911p192k.mp3 | 09/11/2007 | Love and Relationships With God and Man | Joel Pace | Love and Relationships With God and Man | 78 |
20070907p192k.mp3 | 09/07/2007 | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 57 | |
20070904p192k.mp3 | 09/04/2007 | When Time Becomes Your Worst Enemy | John Welsh | 2007 Series | 50 |
20070902p192k.mp3 | 09/02/2007 | A Study of Matthew 24: Part 6 | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 30 |
20070902a192k.mp3 | 09/02/2007 | Confidence in the Gospel | Ken Norris | 2007 Series | 48 |
20070831p192k.mp3 | 08/31/2007 | God's Saving Grace and Power | Bryant Menzies | 2007 Series | 55 |
20070828p192k.mp3 | 08/28/2007 | A Study of Matthew 24: Part 5 | Joel Pace | 2007 Series | 74 |